Join Ryan for another Q&A with this week’s featured fantasy author, Justin Fike. We talk writing habits, inspirations, and what we enjoys to do.
Author: Ryan
A Thief in Farshore
Worldhoppers is proud to present an excerpt from A Thief in Farshore. Book 1 of Justin Fike’s Farshore Chronicles.
Shadows of the Past
Worldhoppers featured author Justin Fike shares his short story, Shadows of the Past, a prequel to A Thief In Farshore, Book 1 of The Farshore Chronicles.
Worldhoppers is proud to present an excerpt from Exile, Martin Owton’s debut novel. It is true high fantasy and is a great intro to Owton’s Nandor Tales.
The Girl from Fox Hollow
Featured author Martin Owton shares the original short story The Girl from Fox Hollow, a prequel to his first novel Exile: Book One of The Nandor Tales.
Q&A with Jamie Edmundson
Join Worldhoppers as we learn more about Jamie’s work routine, inspirations, and the business of self publishing. You’ll enjoy this Q&A!
Striking Out
Featured author Jamie Edmundson shares the original short story Striking Out, a prequel to his first novel Toric’s Dagger: Book One of The Weapon Takers Saga.
Q&A with Ken Harris
Join Worldhoppers for another Q&A session, this time with featured author Ken Harris. We talk about his passions, inspirations, and what’s next for Ken.